ISME Image Award
Chujin Ruan (Eawag) and Dave Johnson (Eawag and UniBe) won the image competition for the cover of The ISME Journal. The image is a confocal laser scanning image of two microorganisms as they grow together across a surface. The image depicts how metabolic and physical interactions between microorganisms drive spatial self-organizing processes and lead to microscale pattern formation. The image will be presented on the cover for the entirety of 2025.
Prof. Dr. Laurent Excoffier holds his farewell lecture
On 10. December 2024, Prof. Dr. Laurent Excoffier held his final lecture for the IEE, entitled "Riding a genetic wave, surfing, and looking backward”. In this lecture, Laurent gave us a wonderful tour of his long and distinguished career from both a personal and a professional perspective. He gave us an inspirational overview of how his groundbreaking research has combined computational approaches and population genetics to understand the evolutionary expansions of humans across the world. In addition, Laurent provided some great advice for young scientists, based on the lessons he learned along his own scientific path. To honour his contributions, we presented Laurent with the first-ever “IEE Lifetime Achievement Award”. Although Laurent will retire from his position as Professor and Head of the Division of Computational and Molecular Population Genetics at the end of January 2025, as he noted in his talk “This is not the end…”! The entire IEE thanks Laurent for his nearly 25 years of excellence in research, teaching and service at the IEE and the University of Bern, and wishes him all the best for his new adventures.
First-ever IEE Symposium successfully held
On September 11 and 12, our first symposium was organized at the Natural History Museum in Bern. This one-and-a-half-day event was attended by more than 80 members of the institute including MSc students, PhD candidates, postdocs, technicians, administrative staff and PIs. There were several talks grouped into five overlapping research themes across different divisions. A dedicated poster session was also organized during the symposium. The symposium fostered a vibrant exchange of knowledge, underscoring the diverse expertise and collaborative spirit of our institute.
Poster session
We had a very nice and diverse poster session at the IEE on Wednesday, 18 October, attended by researchers from all institutes at the Department of Biology and beyond.
SNSF Scientific Image Competition 2023
Congratulations to Francesca Angiolani, PhD student at the Behavioural Ecology Division! Her image “Searching for a good father” won the first prize in the category "Object of Study" in the SNSF Scientific Image Competition 2023. She even had a second image awarded by the committee. The picture “Cognition roulette” displays a Tokay gecko during a spatial learning experiment in a radial arm maze.
Volz Award Winners 2022
The Volz Award for 2022 has been awarded to Annika Freudiger (best publication from MSc thesis: Ecological variation drives morphological differentiation in a highly social vertebrate) and Zuyao Liu (best publication from PhD thesis: Chromosomal Fusions Facilitate Adaptation to Divergent Environments in Threespine Stickleback). They both presented their work as part of the seminar Lecture Series in Ecology and Evolution on November, 1st, 2022. The board of directors congratulates them for their success and whishes them all the best for their upcoming scientific career.
Teaching award
Congratulations to 4 teachers from our Institute, who have received a Science faculty award for their excellent teaching in Fall semester 2021:
- Prof. Dr. Madhav P. Thakur (Advanced concepts in Ecology and Evolution)
- Prof. Dr. Raphaël Arlettaz (Conservation Biology research practical)
- PD Dr. Jean-Yves Humbert (Conservation Biology research practical)
- PD Dr. Veronika Braunisch (Conservation Biology research practical)